Heaven is a feeling
In each of our hearts there is a kingdom. One moment you’re on top, the next alone and desperate. It seems we’re all in a wheel - going from top to bottom in life’s experiences at varying speeds until we die. In the laughter of a lover, a leap of faith, and a really good pasta the epic can be found. The contrast of fear & disappointment make them all the more sweet.
27 years Kira Locke

When I close my eyes...mission accomplished...
Licinia starts by saying how proud of her family she is. She praises her two kids, using words such as happiness, hard work and honesty. She then proceeds to say that even with the highs and lows of life she is proud of herself and that nothing is impossible.
In her last paragraph, Licinia states that positivity beats fear and that overcoming difficulties makes our existence epic.
56 years Licinia Ventura

Ivan believes that epic is when you distance yourself from the ways of society. When you refuse to be another sheep among thousands of sheep. He also believes that the concept of the epic could be found in situations that transport us beyond our everyday life.
23 years Ivan Tx

Alcino starts by saying that throughout his life he had a few moments that became epic in his opinion.
He recalls being called by the Portuguese army and having to go to Angola as a young man, leaving behind his family. He states that the whole experience plus the feeling of loneliness were epic.
He then proceeds to talk about some other unforgetful moments of his life such as the unexpected death of his father and daughter.
However, he concludes his text by saying that life is not that bad and recalls some good moments such as the birth of his grandchildren and that he’s very grateful for the life he lived and that he hopes he’ll be able to live more epic moments.
79 years Alcino